About Us
This Master in Composite Materials arises from the need to build professional roles from the related branches in aerospace engineering. It is formally required by leading companies in the aeronautical sector to provide knowledge of design, manufacture and certification of the composite structures.

1st Edition of the Master in Composite Materials
25 graduated students
Start of collaboration with AIRBUS
12th Edition of the Master
300 graduates are reached, with an employability rate of 100%
AIRBUS has taken the initiative in defining training needs. This has been achieved in an academic program run by Polytechnic University of Madrid. According to us, thanks to the knowledge provided by the course, it is possible to acquire the necessary skills to carry out the development of structures in composite materials.
One of the master’s aims is to optimize learning time, giving to the professional a global and detailed vision of the design process, analysis, manufacturing and certification. We believe that this approach facilitates the access to the job’s world, promoting the capability and knowledge of different composite areas, providing the necessary competitive engineering skills.
With this approach the Polytechnic University of Madrid has prepared an Academic Plan of 90 ECTS taught by professors with a wide teaching and research experience and professional figures with recognized prestige.
The master includes theoretical contents, laboratory practices and a Master Thesis.
Why do the Master?
The Master in Composite Materials is a joint initiative of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and AIRBUS.
This Master’s degree condenses the information of the multiple disciplines involved in the realization of an aerostructure of composite material, a segment that has led the spanish aerospace industry and which has been imported to other sectors such as renewable energies or the automotive industry.

To this end, there are professor with extensive teaching and research experience and by professionals active in the sector of recognized prestige and the teaching of the various areas of interest has been organized in modules that use a non-official type of teaching based on what is known as project-based learning (PBL), in projects in which the teaching staff was or is involved first-hand.
The aim this Master’s degree is to combine all the knowledge required by a professional who works in the field of composite materials in a degree with a practical vocation, with a methodology that reflects the latest advances in the sector in the fields that require composite materials and that allows continuing to develop real projects, but with the added value of offering students a Master’s degree from the UPM.
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Master’s contents
Find out what the Academic Program is, how it is evaluated and how the Master Thesis is carried out